Title | Enfranchisement of certain fields and closes of land known as Hern Acre and Great Summerlands and Acre, situate near Caswell Bay.
Parties: 1. Henry Charles FitzRoy, Duke of Beaufort. 2. Arthur Davies Berrington of Pantygoitre in Monmouthshire Esq.
In Nov 1885, A.D. Berrington was admitted tenant to these lands and now agrees with the Duke for the enfranchisement of these lands. Consideration £20. The Duke as 'the beneficial owner' enfranchises these lands. See the Abstract of title of A.D. Berrington, 1885 (LAC/116/B/2/3), where Lot 154 is Identified as Summerland and Lot 153 as Hern Acre. |