Title | Lease for a year: Parties: 1. George Warde of Beechmont, near Sevenoaks, Kent, Esq., elder son and heir at law of George Warde, late of Woodlands Castle, Glamorganshire., General in the army, now deceased [George Warde died 20 June 1850]; Charles Warde the younger of Squerries Lodge, Kent, Esq.; Rev. Spencer Madan of Ibstock, Leicestershire, D.D.; Benjamin Hall of Lanover, Monmouthshire., Esq.; David Arthur Saunders Davies of Pentre, Pembrokeshire, Esq.; Jenkin Davies Barrington, younger, of Lincolns Inn, Middlesex., Esq. 2. William Morgan Davies Barrington of Swansea, gent.
Premises: Tenement called Lower Brinne, and the whole of the Woodlands Estate. |