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Delegations abroad: photograph album presented to the British Miners Delegation from the Miners...

The album contains 53 photographs of the delegations visit to the USSR and includes the following-

- A[rthur] J[ames] Cook and his delegation meeting Russian miners leaders

- The delegation in Leningrad, Moscow, Kharkov, Krasnogorsk, Donbas, Gorlovka, Grozny, and Baku

- A formal group photograph entitled "Presidium of the Miners Central Committee of the USSR with the miners delegates of the VII Trade Union Congress of the USSR, the representatives of mining proletariat students and A J Cook"

Aug-Oct 1926


Delegations abroad: photograph album presented to members of the foreign workers delegation on...

These are a collection of photographs of prominent people in the USSR, large scale engineering and industrial works and celebrations to mark May Day.

May 1931

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